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Brevia Configuration

There are two type of configuration in a Brevia project:

  • general configuration set through environment variables or a simple .env file, see below
  • specific configuration of a single collection mainly for RAG applications, that are stored in the collection metadata

In this page we will explain the general configuration items in Brevia.

All configuration items have working defaults with the exception of:

  • external services settings like LLM APIs or monitor/debugging tools (like Langsmith). Those services rely on specific environment variables that we cannot include or predict here
  • database connection configuration

Configuration customization

General configurations can be customized in various ways, some modes have precedence over others.

  1. through a .env file in the app root folder
  2. through environment variables
  3. through the config table records of the database

Each of the described modes prevails over the previouse ones in the order in which they are listed (DB configuration wins).

Database configuration can be done through configuration endpoints but has some limitations: you cannot change some parameters such as the DB connection or security tokens.

Database connection

These settings define the connection to your Postgres database with pgvector extension:

  • PGVECTOR_DRIVER: psycopg2 default should be left unchanged, you may want to avoid this item in your configuration
  • PGVECTOR_HOST: the database host name or address, localhost as default
  • PGVECTOR_PORT: the database connection port, 5432 as default
  • PGVECTOR_DATABASE: the database name, brevia as default
  • PGVECTOR_USER: database connection user, no default
  • PGVECTOR_PASSWORD: database connection password, no default
  • PGVECTOR_POOL_SIZE: connection pool size, 10 as default

If you prefer to define a single DSN URI for your connection you can use PGVECTOR_DSN_URI env variable. If this variable is set the PGVECTOR_* variables above will be ignored. An example of such uri using Brevia defaults can look like postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@localhost:5432/brevia

External services

As example of external services here we include OpenAI, Cohere and LangSmith but it may include any LLM supported by LangChain. Those services usually need some specific env variables like API keys or tokens. If you don't set these variables, the services that depend on them may not work properly.

By using BREVIA_ENV_SECRETS var as explained below you make sure that these secrets will be available as environment variables.


To use OpenAI model via API you need to have a valid API KEY and define an OPENAI_API_KEY env var with its value. Please refer to OpenAI model page for further details on using OpenAI.


Similarly to use Cohere model via API you need a valid API KEY that must be defined in COHERE_API_KEY env var. Have a look at Cohere model for more integration details.


If you want to use LangSmith to monitor your LLM application with Brevia you need to set these variables:

  • LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2: set to True, or any string actually
  • LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT: the endpoint used, like
  • LANGCHAIN_PROJECT: the name of your Brevia project

Brevia env secrets

As mentioned above to make these variables available as environment variables, if not done explicitly outside Brevia, you can use a special JSON object variable BREVIA_ENV_SECRETS in your .env file where each key/value pair will be loaded in the environment at startup.

This variable could be something like BREVIA_ENV_SECRETS='{"OPENAI_API_KEY": "#########", "COHERE_API_KEY": "#########"}'


To enable a basic security support via tokens you may want to set the following variables:

  • TOKENS_SECRET: the secret used when enconding and decoding tokens
  • TOKENS_USERS: an optional comma separated list of valid user names that must be present in a token
  • STATUS_TOKEN: a special token to be used only by the /status endpoint from 3rd party monitoring tools

Please check the Security section for more details on security support on Brevia.

This section focuses on the crucial components of indexing and searching for relevant information within your knowledge base.


This variable specifies the type of embedding model used to convert text documents into numerical vectors. In this case, it's set to openai-embeddings, indicating that you'll be using OpenAI's embedding service.

EMBEDDINGS='{"_type": "openai-embeddings"}'

Supported Embedding Services

openai-embeddings: Utilize OpenAI's embedding service for efficient conversion of text to numerical representations.

cohere-embeddings: Leverage Cohere's embedding service for alternative embedding calculations.

See other models for integrations with other 3rd party models

Text Segmentation

TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE This variable controls the maximum size of individual text chunks during processing. Large documents are split into smaller segments for efficient handling by the embedding model.

Default Value: 2000 (token)

Adjust this value based on your document sizes and hardware resources. Larger chunks typically yield more accurate embeddings, but require more memory. Experiment to find the optimal balance for your setup.

TEXT_CHUNK_OVERLAP This variable specifies the amount of overlap between consecutive text chunks. Overlap ensures continuity within the document and helps capture contextual information across sections.

Default Value: 100 (token)

Increase the overlap for documents with important cross-sectional references, but reduce it for faster processing of independent sections. Consider experimenting with different values based on your document characteristics.



TEXT_SPLITTER This variable is an optional JSON string configuration, used to override the default text splitter

Can be something like:

'{"splitter": "my_project.CustomSplitter", "some_var": "some_value"}'


  • splitter key must be present and point to a module path of a valid retriever class extending langchain TextSplitter
  • other splitter constructor attributes can be specified in the configuration, like some_var in the above example

Q&A and Chat

Under the hood of Q&A and Chat actions (see Chat and Search section) you can configure models and behaviors via these variables:

  • QA_COMPLETION_LLM: configuration for the main conversational model, used by /chat and /completion endpoints; a JSON string is used to configure the corresponding LangChain chat model class; an OpenAI instance is used as default: '{"model_provider": "openai", "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 2000}' where for instance model_name and other attributes can be adjusted to meet your needs
  • QA_FOLLOWUP_LLM: configuration for the follow-up question model, used by /chat endpoint defining a follow up question for a conversation usgin chat history; a JSON string; an OpenAI instance used as default '{"model_provider": "openai", "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 500}'
  • QA_FOLLOWUP_SIM_THRESHOLD: a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating similarity threshold between questions to determine if chat history should be used, defaults to 0.735
  • QA_NO_CHAT_HISTORY: disables chat history entirely if set to True or any other value
  • SEARCH_DOCS_NUM: default number of documents used to search for answers, defaults to 4
  • QA_RETRIEVER: optional configuration for a custom retriever class, used by /chat endpoint, it's a JSON string defining a custom class and optional attributes; an example configuration can be '{"retriever": "my_project.CustomRetriever", "some_var": "some_value"}' where retriever key must be present with a module path pointing to a valid retriever class extending langchain BaseRetriever whereas other constructor attributes can be specified in the configuration, like some_var in the above example


To configure summarize related actions in /summarize or /upload_summarize endpoints the related environment variables are:

  • SUMMARIZE_LLM: the LLM to be used, a JSON string using the same format of QA_COMPLETION_LLM in the above paragraph; defatults to an OpenAI instance '{"model_provider": "openai", "model": "gpt-4o-mini" "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 2000}'
  • SUMM_TOKEN_SPLITTER: the maximum size of individual text chunks processed during summarization, defaults to 4000 - see TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE in Text Segmentation paragraph
  • SUMM_TOKEN_OVERLAP: the amount of overlap between consecutive text chunks, defaults to 500 - see TEXT_CHUNK_OVERLAP in Text Segmentation paragraph
  • SUMM_DEFAULT_CHAIN: chain type to be used if not specified, defaults to stuff